We can take over the garden or grounds maintenance Chester whatever the size of your area. We can offer any service such as grass cutting, scarifying, lawn treatments, plant management, borders, leaf collection, car park clearance, litter picking, snowing and gritting contracts and anything else that involves grounds maintenance. Some of the properties we look after include The Red House on Sandy Lane, Cedar Court in Boughton, Renaissance Homes in Neston and Riverside in Chester.
Do you work long hours? Do you want to come home from work and enjoy your garden without having to do any of the hard work?
Then why not let Absolute Tree Care and Gardens do it all for you. We offer a personalised approach and aim to meet all of your gardening needs, be it a one off service or on a regular basis.
Our garden maintenance services include the following as required
Regular lawn care-mowing and strimming
Waste clearance-leaf collecting
Hedge and tree maintenance-according to the season
Weed control-removes or treats weeds on paths, driveways and borders
For a free, no obligation quote, please call Daniel, Absolute Tree Care & Gardens, Chester on 01244 314 065
Visit Website : https://absolutetreecareandgardens.co.uk/maintenance/